Our staff comes from a variety of locations around the state and around the world. They are selected to serve based on faith, experience with youth, maturity, and aptitude for building healthy relationships within the camp community. All staff members go through an application, interview, and thorough screening process (including background check) before being hired. Once they have been hired, they receive extensive training that covers everything from first aid/CPR and Christian leadership to how to lead activities safely.
Modesty is our policy and it is defined by the values of a community. At Spring Heights we ask campers and staff to dress and act in a way that reflects their self-image as a child of God. If the way someone dresses is inappropriate, it will be addressed by camp leadership. We have a one-piece bathing suit policy (or two-piece that covers the midriff) for females and a swim trunk policy for males. We also ask that shorts be worn at a reasonable length and that shirt straps are wide enough to cover undergarments.
It is important that your camper is prepared to walk everywhere they go while at camp. There is a strict “no flip flop” policy. Flip flops are only permitted as shower shoes and are only to be worn in the shower area. Shoes and socks will be required at all other times at camp to prevent injury and poison ivy.
You can find a “What to bring to camp” checklist on our website at www.springheights.org/summer-camps. Please note that we have a strict “no cell phone” policy.
We do not allow cell phones for two reasons:
1. Privacy: Most cell phones have cameras and the capability to share images instantly over networks, with or without the permission of those in the photos. This is also a safety issue for any campers who may be involved in a custodial dispute.
2. Cell phones distract from all of the amazing camp activities: Camp is a time for your camper to be removed from the distractions of their everyday life and immerse themselves in strengthening their relationship with God, while also developing friendships with other campers. We will NEVER tell you that you cannot communicate with your camper while they are at camp, and we are always willing to work with you to find the best way to communicate with your camper. You can send your camper mail while at Spring Heights or an email to let them know you’re thinking of them. You can also call the camp office and speak with our staff.
Our counselors are trained on how to relate to your camper if they miss home. Your camper’s counselor will inform either the Camp Manager or the Program Coordinator of your camper’s situation. At that point we will contact you and let you know how your camper is feeling and work closely with you to make sure that your camper has a successful stay at camp. We will always make decisions based on what is best for each camper.
When a large group of kids attends camp together, they are mixed in with the other campers. They can request to room with one of their friends, but they will not all be together because it is hard for campers who are not part of that group to make new friends and enjoy themselves. Mixing campers leads to a more beneficial and rewarding experience for all involved.
YES. There may be new information required on our forms this year. We need the most up-to-date information possible in order to keep your camper safe.
If your camper has a food allergy or is on a special diet, please contact the camp prior to coming so that we can make arrangements with our kitchen. If your camper has a severe allergy, we eliminate that item from our menu entirely for that week of camp.
Yes, we will contact you if
Our goal is to provide a safe, inclusive, affirming, and positive environment that models Christian community for all campers. To this end, we ask that campers follow our Full Value Commitment to physical and emotional safety, 100% effort, honest and appropriate communication, and respect for others and our environment.
We ask that campers refrain from profane language; abusive behavior; destruction of or damage to camp property or the property of other campers; and use of tobacco, alcohol, and illegal substances. We do not tolerate bullying or harassment of or by campers or staff for any reason.
If a camper is unable to function within these guidelines, our staff will take actions in the best interest of the campers and the program. Campers will be held responsible for their actions and/or any damage to property of camp or others. If your camper requires special behavioral accommodation, please advise us of those needs prior to arrival at camp.